Mediterranean Fruit Fly

Ceratitis capitata, the Mediterranean fruit fly, or medfly for short, is a spe…

Black Ant

Black ant is a term used for eusocial insects of the family Formicidae that ar…

Meal Moth

Meal Moth (Pyralis farinalis) is a species in the family snout moths (Pyralida…

American Soldier Fly

American Soldier Fly looks like a wasp with black body and dark wings. The eye…

Cabbage Aphid

Brevicoryne brassicae, commonly known as the cabbage aphid or cabbage aphis, i…

Bess Beetle

Passalidae is a family of beetles known variously as "bessbugs", &qu…

Coffee Hawk Moth

Coffee Hawk Moth has transparent wings and a stout body like a bumble bee. The…


Calliphoridae (commonly known as blowflies (or blow-flies), carrion flies, blu…

Brown Cockchafer

Brown Cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, mitchamador, billy witch, or sp…